In an environment where regulatory and legislative change, plus macroeconomic uncertainty continues to challenge the world of real estate, Miller can provide certainty around the protection of your assets.

We work with clients to find practical and efficient solutions to these challenges; helping you to manage and mitigate risks, and optimise returns for all stakeholders.

You will benefit from a dedicated team of experienced professionals who will take a strategic approach to identifying, understanding and managing your risk and insurance needs.

Programme design 

We shape insurances around the needs of our clients, developing from the following steps, ensuring innovative and flexible programme design.

  • Evaluation of your current insurance programme
  • Review your contractual obligations, such as funding agreements and lease covenants
  • Identification of your risks
  • Assessment of your risks and evaluation of your risk appetite
  • Identify suitable insurance carriers
  • Bespoke policy wording

Service commitment

Whether working from a formal contract with agreed service standards or an appointment of good faith, we ensure all our clients have access to and can benefit from:

  • a dedicated service team of experienced sector specialists
  • regular structured liaison
  • the issue of premium apportionment schedules and certification
  • the monitoring of Insurer security
  • in-house claims advocacy
  • embedded risk management advice
  • utilising our global service network.

Principal insurances

You will benefit from the following cover, tailored to best meet your needs.

Damage to assets
Buildings, including common areas and fit-out, which meets landlords' contractual commitments, such as Leases and Funding Agreements, and other losses that you may face following damage to assets.

Loss of income
The loss of rent, service charge and other building related income following insured damage to the property.

Insurance of the assets - income may be extended to provide indemnity for damage resulting from terrorist attack.

Legal liability
Compensation and legal costs payable in relation to injury to third parties or third-party property damage. 

Damage to machinery and plant by risks unique to its use, e.g. pressure vessel explosion or lift collapse.

Machinery and plant inspection
Inspection services of specified types of machinery and plant at required intervals to comply with Health & Safety legislative regulations.

Refurbishments and new build projects in accordance with JCT or similar contract conditions and comprehensive Owner Co-ordinated Insurance Programmes including works and materials, increased costs of unbuilt portion, public liability, JCT clause 21.2.1, advance loss of income, and inherent defects.

Legal indemnities
Restrictive covenants, defective title, lost title deeds and similar property ownership and use restrictions typically discovered during the acquisition or sale process.

Added value services

Risk management
Identification, analysis and management of the impact of risk to your assets and business.

Tenant default
Catastrophe cover designed to 'cap' the exposure to bad debts in a given period or as a cover purchased on an 'ad hoc' basis to facilitate a specific deal.

Mergers and acquisitions
Review the quality, scope and cost-effectiveness of the past and present insurance protection available to companies or assets that are acquisition targets, considering disposals or simply requiring an independent assessment of the effectiveness of their corporate risk transfer.

Tax opinion insurance
Providing protection against contingent tax exposures and related expenses such as interest and defence costs.

Warranty and indemnity
Often utilised to smooth contractual frustration, a designed solution to protect either a buyer or a seller in the event there is a breach of a contractual warranty after a transaction completes.

Compensation to third-parties arising out of gradual pollution and mandatory clean-up costs for sudden and gradual pollution of own / third-party sites.

Lending due diligence
Addressing lenders' interests by auditing and confirming real estate borrowers have insurance that aligns with their contractual obligations. 

Corporate risks
We will manage all other classes of insurance, which may be required, including Employers' Liability, Directors' and Offices' Liability, Professional Indemnity and Office insurance.