Miller can provide a comprehensive range of risk and insurance solutions for social housing sector organisations, including registered providers, public services, public benefit, community, non-profit, for-profit and investors.

Our solutions have been developed using decades of expertise supporting such organisations to improve the quality of options available for risk treatment.

Through our extensive expertise, we have built an expansive network of deep relationships throughout the insurance and risk supply chain. This will be leveraged for the full benefit of our clients to increase capacity appetite from the insurance market and further improve an organisation’s management of risk.

What makes Miller different

  • Proactive engagement with the insurance market to generate new insurance capacity, giving registered providers the ability to achieve greater assurance on value for money
  • Expertise with captives, parametrics and alternative methods of risk transfer, that allow organisations to fully explore a variety of risk transfer programme structures 
  • Ability to add value to clients involved in construction, infrastructure, care and support services 
  • Comprehensive support with loss prevention, claims and risk management strategies

Fit-for-purpose coverages

Our experts will advise on programme structure, limits of indemnity and deductibles on all the coverages listed below. 

  • Material damage
  • Business interruption
  • Money 
  • All risks
  • Construction all risks and project risks
  • Public liability
  • Employers’ liability
  • Libel and slander
  • Medical malpractice
  • Motor fleet/uninsured loss recovery
  • Engineering insurance
  • Personal accident
  • Directors’ and officers’/management liability 
  • Computer
  • Legal expenses
  • Engineering inspection
  • Crime
  • Terrorism
  • Cyber 

Added value services

Outside of the standard insurance covers listed above, we can also offer the following services.  

  • National catastrophe modelling for flood and other perils
  • Claims analysis to support ongoing risk appetite and deductible funding analysis
  • Risk management support on insurable and uninsurable losses
  • Expert and market-leading construction risk and insurance solutions
  • Expertise with alternative risk transfer solutions including parametrics and captives
  • Facultative reinsurance solutions


Bespoke programme design 

All our insurance programmes are tailored to our clients’ needs and applied using the following steps.

  • Evaluation of your current insurance programme
  • Review your contractual obligations, such as funding agreements and lease covenants
  • Identification and assessment of your risks
  • Evaluation of your risk appetite
  • Identify suitable insurance carriers
  • Bespoke policy wording


Service commitment

All our clients have access to and benefit from the following.  

  • A dedicated service team of experienced sector specialists
  • Regular structured liaison
  • The monitoring of insurer security
  • In-house claims advocacy
  • Embedded risk management advice